Projeto de uma unidade experimental para elevação artificial de hidrocarbonetos - Sistema Gás Lift
Palavras-chave: Elevação por gás lift, petróleo, automação.
Design of an experimental unit for artificial hydrocarbon lifting - Gas lift system
Abstract: Analysis of the flow behavior of multiphase fluids in an oil well operating by artificial lift with gas injection lift is complex and difficult to understand, it requires far-reaching mathematical models and techniques such as flow maps, graph to selection of flow , multiphase flow, among others. This article describes the design and construction of a experimental unit in laboratory scale. In addition to some construction data, the result of simulations needed to project is presented. The experimental unit contributes significantly to the study of the artificial lift technique through the gas lift system and to the understanding of the phenomena involved during multiphase flow.
Keywords: gas lift, oil, automation.
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