Aterros Sanitários, Controlados e Lixões, uma Análise da Realidade Brasileira, retrospecto e Evolução a partir da Lei 12.305/10
Palavras-chave: PNRS; Lixo; Aterro Sanitário; Saneamento Básico; Logística Reversa.
Sanitary Landfills, Controlled and Dumps, an Analysis Of The Brazilian Reality, Retrospect and Evolution from the Law 12.305/10
Abstract: It is very common in everyday life to find that after removing the waste produced in homes, free markets, shops, industries, hospitals (among others) and thus eliminating odors, bacteria and possible insect and animal infestations from these places, the problem will be solved; but no, it is necessary to know the destination of these wastes and if they are being disposed of correctly. The data analyzed in the tables reveal that despite the legal requirements and descriptive provisions of the PNRS - Law 12.305 / 10, the indexes increased by 40.07% in 2018, revealing weakness in the legal verification and determination of solid waste practices and destination for the landfills.
Keywords: PNRS; Trash; Sanitary landfill; Basic sanitation; Reverse logistic.
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