Global Health Law Journal

The Global Health Law Journal is a biannual production of the Santa Cecilia University´s Master Program on Health Law. The GHLJ strives to offer an opportunity for interdisciplinary discussion on topics in health law, international health law, comparative health law, health policy, health cases, medical and biomedical law.

The Journal targets a broad and diverse audience of academicians, professionals, and students in Law, Medicine, Biomedicine, as well as policy makers, law operators, and legislators in health care.


Submissions - Call for papers

Submissions to the Global Health Law Journal are peer-reviewed by our distinguished Editorial Board and reviewers, consisting of internationally recognized experts.

Articles can be submitted in English, Spanish, French, Italian or Portuguese. Regular issues occurs twice a year and are free flow submition schedulled

Whenever a Thematic Spetial issue  is annunced for new publications, please send your submission to:

If you have any questions about the Global Health Law Journal, please contact our Editor-in-Chief Profa. Dra. Verônica Scriptore Freire e Almeida.


ISSN 2965-7024




Journal Homepage Image

ISSN: 2965-7024