Unisanta BioScience
ISSN 2317-1111
The electronic journal Unisanta BioScience is published every six months at the University Santa Cecilia - Unisanta.
Its purpose is to spread the knowledge generated in the field of Biology and Ecology, serving both as a teaching tool and source of academic research, bringing information for teachers and students of the scientific community.
The diversity of topics accepted and covered by the magazine enables broad coverage of issues within the life sciences, specifically those related to the environment.
The electronic journal Unisanta BioScience combines ease of access and submission of scientific papers with a prompt response to publication and broad-reach dissemination of the material submitted, since it is currently indexed by the system OJS (Open Journal System).
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Unisanta Law and Social Science
ISSN 2317-1308
A revista eletrônica UNISANTA - Law and Social Science é uma publicação com periodicidade semestral da Universidade Santa Cecília - UNISANTA.
Sua finalidade é divulgar novos conhecimentos na área das Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicadas, de sorte a contribuir para a solução de problemas teóricos e práticos.
A pluralidade de abrangência de temas aceitos pela revista possibilita a ampla cobertura de assuntos dentro destas grandes áreas da ciência, notadamente daqueles relativos às áreas jurídicas.
A revista eletrônica UNISANTA - Law and Social Science está indexada no Qualis periódicos 2017-2020 com o estrato B1.
Todas as suas edições estão disponíveis em http://periodicos.unisanta.br/lss
E-mail: unisantalaw@unisanta.br
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Unisanta Humanitas
ISSN 2317-1294
The electronic journal UNISANTA Humanitas is published every six months at the University Santa Cecilia - UNISANTA.
Its purpose is to disseminate the knowledge generated in the field of Philosophy, literature and education, providing services as a teaching resource and source of information leading academic research, teachers and students of the scientific community.
The diversity of topics covered by the magazine accepted enables broad coverage of topics within the human sciences and those related specifically to education.
The electronic journal UNISANTA Humanitas combines ease of access and submission of scientific papers with a prompt response to publication and dissemination of reaching jobs sent once it is indexed by the system OJS (Open Journal System).
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Unisanta Science and Technology
ISSN 2317-1316
Journal Unisanta Science and Technology
The electronic Journal Unisanta Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published every six months at the University Santa Cecilia – UNISANTA (ISESC). Its purpose is to disseminate the knowledge generated in the area of science and technology, as a teaching resource and source of information leading academic research, teachers and students of the scientific community. The plurality of themes spanning accepted by the magazine provides extensive coverage of issues related with science and technology. The electronic Journal Unisanta Science and Technology combines the ease of access and submission of scientific papers with the prompt response to publication and the large range of dissemination of the papers once it is indexed by the system OJS (Open Journal System).
OPEN ACCESS: The journal Unisanta Science and Technology is freely available via the Internet for immediate worldwide open access to the full text of articles serving the best interests of the world scientific research community.
Obs: There are no subscription fees for open access journals. Open access journals are not different from traditional subscription-based journals; they undergo the same peer-review and quality control process as any other scholarly journals.
All editions of Unisanta Science and Technology are available in:
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Unisanta Health Science
ISSN 2594-5971
A revista eletrônica Unisanta Health Science é uma publicação com periodicidade semestral da Universidade Santa Cecília (ISESC).
Sua finalidade é divulgar o conhecimento gerado na área de saúde, com especial destaque aos trabalhos nas áreas de Ciências Médicas, Nutrição, Psicologia, Enfermagem, Odontologia, Fisioterapia, Farmácia, Biomedicina e Educação Física
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Unisanta Business and Management
ISSN 2596-1675
The electronic journal Unisanta Business and Management is published once a year at the University Santa Cecilia - Unisanta.
Its purpose is to spread the knowledge generated through scientific articles in the field of administration, accounting sciences, marketing and management.
The diversity of topics accepted and covered by the magazine enables broad coverage of issues within the administration sciences, specifically those related to Business and Management
The electronic journal Unisanta Business and Management combines ease of access and submission of scientific papers with a prompt response to publication and broad-reach dissemination of the material submitted, since it is currently indexed by the system OJS (Open Journal System).
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Anais do Encontro Nacional de Pós-graduação
ISSN: 2594-6153
Os Anais do Encontro Nacional de Pós-graduação trazem artigos científicos completos de trabalhos apresentados neste evento anual organizado pela Universidade Santa Cecília e realizado na Cidade de Santos-SP. A publicação eletrônica é um espaço editorial diferenciado para que docentes e alunos de mestrado e doutorado e, cursos de especialização de todo o Brasil, possam divulgar seus trabalhos técnicos e científicos selecionados pelo comitê editorial do evento.
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Global Health Law Journal
The Global Health Law Journal is a biannual production of the Santa Cecilia University´s Master Program on Health Law. The GHLJ strives to offer an opportunity for interdisciplinary discussion on topics in health law, international health law, comparative health law, health policy, health cases, medical and biomedical law.
The Journal targets a broad and diverse audience of academicians, professionals, and students in Law, Medicine, Biomedicine, as well as policy makers, law operators, and legislators in health care.
Submissions - Call for papers
Submissions to the Global Health Law Journal are peer-reviewed by our distinguished Editorial Board and reviewers, consisting of internationally recognized experts.
Articles can be submitted in English, Spanish, French, Italian or Portuguese. Regular issues occurs twice a year and are free flow submition schedulled
Whenever a Thematic Spetial issue is annunced for new publications, please send your submission to: global@unisanta.br
If you have any questions about the Global Health Law Journal, please contact our Editor-in-Chief Profa. Dra. Verônica Scriptore Freire e Almeida.
e-mail: global@unisanta.br
ISSN 2965-7024
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Revista Observatório Portuário
ISSN: 2764-5207
O periódico eletrônico "Revista Observatório Portuário" é uma publicação com periodicidade semestral realizada pela Universidade Santa Cecília – UNISANTA e faz parte das publicações do portal de Periódicos da Universidade Santa Cecília.
Sua finalidade é divulgar o conhecimentos e experiências geradas na área de logística e gestão portuária servindo de recurso didático e fonte de pesquisas acadêmicas levando informações, aos professores e alunos da comunidade científica.
A pluralidade de abrangência de temas aceitos pela revista possibilita a ampla cobertura de assuntos dentro da área de logística e daqueles relacionados especificamente relacionados com as questões portuárias mundiais.
A revista eletrônica combina gratuidade para submissão, facilidade de acesso e de upload dos arquivos e dos metadados associados, com a pronta resposta dos revisores.
Uma vez publicado o artigo, este obterá grande alcance de divulgação uma vez que é indexado pelo sistema de OJS (Open Journal System) diretamente a plataforma Google.
Todas as edições dos periódicos da Unisanta estão disponíveis desde 2012 em site seguro e no endereço fixo https://periodicos.unisanta..br/index.php/rop
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Anais do Congresso Brasileiro de Iniciação Científica - COBRIC
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